Our thanks again to all of you for making the inaugural World Cynosport Rally Championships truly special. The level of sportsmanship, friendship, support, camaraderie and teamwork was very impressive and truly reflected the Olympic Day values.

Congratulations to all the winners this weekend! We appreciate your patience in waiting for the podium photos. Here they are!



  1. Renee Shriver and Oscar
  2. Tecla Walton and Skye (not pictured)
  3. Cheryl Minichiello and Ajax

Level 1


  1. Cheryl Minichiello and Halle
  2. Colleen Mrakovich and Quilla
  3. Sara Webb and Leia

Level 2


  1. Jennifer Wahlund and Banner
  2. Kathy Horn and Maizie
  3. Rachel Brostrom and Georgia

Level 3


  1. Renee Shriver and Melody
  2. Lucy McCloskey and Sonny
  3. Tena Parker and Rio